Thursday, 30 September 2010

Workbook Tasks

Task One
Questions raised by chapter one

  • Why are they sleeping in a gymnasium?
  • Who is 'we'?
  • Why are they sleeping in army issue bedding?
  • Who are the 'Aunts' and why are they called that?
  • Why do the Aunts have cattle prods?
  • Why are there gaurds?
  • What are the 'Angels'?
  • Why are they banned from speaking etc?
Task One - Part two
The use of the term 'a palimpsest' is an effective, applicable metaphor for this chapter because it makes sense in relation to the situation and issues confronted in the novel. A palimpsest is a piece of writing where the original writing has later been written over with new writing. This is a metaphor for the lost culture that Offred is describing, replaced by the new regime.

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